Bahan :
500 gm Tepung Roti ( high Protein )
3 sudu Yis Segera
1 sudu kecil garam
1 1/2 sudu gula
290 ml Air Sejuk
20 gm Lelemak Sayuran
Bahan Untuk Isi -
Salad atau apa sahaja jenis lettuce, hirisan kobis , lobak merah , kepingan tomato , gegelang bawang, cili benggala , mayonaise , cili atau tomato sos, sos lada hitam.Daun Parsley dicincang , kambing atau ayam atau daging lembu panggang dan telah diseason@ perasakan.
Cara Penyediaan :
1.Adun tepung roti dan yeast hingga sebati, masukkan garam dan gula gaul hingga sempurna.
2.Masukkan Air dan uli sehingga menjadi doh yang kasar.
3. Tambah Lelemak sayuran dan terus menguli doh sehingga lembut dan kenyal.
4.Letakkanlah doh ke dalam mangkuk.Tutup dengan plastik atau kain lembap biar ia menapai selama 45minit.
5.Keluaarkan doh dan bentukkan menjadi bebola.Biarkan selama 15minit.
6.Bahagikan doh menjadi 10 bahagian yang sama saiz dan bentukkan menjadi bebola lagi.Biarkan selama 10 minit.
7.Canaikan doh sehingga menjadi 3mm tebal, sama ada berbentuk bulat ataupun bujur.. biasa bentuk bulatkan..kat Malaysia Roti Pita kebanyakkannya berbentuk bulat...terpulang kepada anda sama ada suka yang berbentuk bulat ataupun bujur...
8.Letakkan doh yang telah dicanaikan di atas dulang pembakar. Biar Ia naik selama 20 hingga 30 minit.
9.Bakar pada suhu 220'c selama 4-5 minit sehingga ia mengembang.
10.Bila Roti pita selesai dibakar, biarkan ia sejuk..., kerana bila ia sejuk roti pita akan menjadi lembut,Buatkan bentuk kocek dengan memotong setengah, Isikanlah dengan baha-bahan Isi dengan sukatan mengikut selera anda...:) bestkan
Yeah, is it too late now to say sorry?Cause I'm missing more than just your bodyIs it too late now to say sorry?Yeah I know that I let you downIs it too late to say I'm sorry now?
I'm sorry, yeahSorry, yeahSorryYeah I know that I let you downIs it too late to say sorry now?
I'll take every single piece of the blame if you want me toBut you know that there is no innocent one in this game for twoI'll go, I'll go and then you go, you go out and spill the truthCan we both say the words and forget this?
Is it too late now to say sorry?Cause I'm missing more than just your bodyIs it too late now to say sorry?Yeah I know that I let you downIs it too late to say I'm sorry now?
I'm not just trying to get you back on meCause I'm missing more than just your bodyIs it too late now to say sorry?Yeah I know that I let you downIs it too late to say sorry now?
I'm sorry, yeahSorry, ohSorryYeah I know that I let you downIs it too late to say sorry now?I'm sorry, yeahSorry, ohSorryYeah I know that I let you downIs it too late to say sorry now?
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chef profesional / perunding gastronomi / penulis buku masakan - cupcake 3D pertama di Malaysia , 24 ebook pelbagai jenis masakan dan baking.
penulis resepi masakan di majalah masakan tempatan.
You gotta go and get angry at all of my honestyYou know I try but I don't do too well with apologiesI hope I don't run out of time, could someone call a referee?Cause I just need one more shot at forgivenessI know you know that I made those mistakes maybe once or twiceBy once or twice I mean maybe a couple a hundred timesSo let me, oh let me redeem, oh redeem, oh myself tonightCause I just need one more shot at second chances
You gotta go and get angry at all of my honestyYou know I try but I don't do too well with apologiesI hope I don't run out of time, could someone call a referee?Cause I just need one more shot at forgivenessI know you know that I made those mistakes maybe once or twiceBy once or twice I mean maybe a couple a hundred timesSo let me, oh let me redeem, oh redeem, oh myself tonightCause I just need one more shot at second chances
I'm not just trying to get you back on meCause I'm missing more than just your bodyIs it too late now to say sorry?Yeah I know that I let you downIs it too late to say sorry now?