Instructor : Chef Obie a.k.a Gunawan Hj Jamil
Date : 15 / 09 / 2013
Time : One day course, from 10.30 am to 3.30 pm
Fee : RM280.00 per person
Type : Semi hands-on (some demo and some hands-on)
Topic :
Easy techniques to make and sell chocolates from home
Difference between compound and couverture chocolate
How to handle, melt, flavor, colour and store chocolates
How to make almond chocolate, strawberry chocolate, Oreo truffles, chocolate rice rocher (all from compound) and chocolate plastic (for rose)
Making chocolate decorations – piped designs, rose and leaf, chocolate shaves, cigarette, curls, ribbon and how to use chocolate transfer sheets.
Students will be able to taste and take home the chocolates. Items to bring - apron, kitchen towel, pen, cake box or containers.
NO. OF STUDENT : Maximum of 10 students for Hands-on class, 15 for Demo classes.
LOCATION : Taman Cheras Indah, Kuala Lumpur. Map is at the top page.
CLASS RESERVATION : Please submit your name and the class you are interested in joining, email to or sms to Yasmin, hp : 019-3805344. Once we have enough student, we will contact you again to collect a deposit of RM50 per class. Deposit payment can be made online thru cimbclicks or maybank2u (click on the link). Or thru ATM machine.
Name : Yasmin binti Sanusi
Bank : CIMB, Account no : 1432-0066287-52-7 OR
Bank : Maybank, Account no : 114094010793
( Beneficiary Payment Alert, please use email : SMS : 019-3805344 )