4 star Business Class
25- storey
257 rooms and 4 -storey podium with basement carpark.
-208 Deluxe standard rates RM495+
-26 Premier Deluxe standard rates RM595+
-20 Admiral Premier Deluxe standard rates RM705+
-3 Admiral Suites standard rates RM925+
Land - 106,287 square feet -leasehold expiring on 6 febuary 2071
Retail space- Lettable area 104,430 square feet
Value : RM200 Million
( nego )
Dining & Ent.
-Utara Coffe House
( Piano Lounge , the merchant live , the merchant bar , Banquet & meeting350- 500 for conference meeting .The ballroom - level 3 the latitude )
Other Facilities
-Executive Floor
-Bell Service
-Valet Service
-Room Service
-Family Plan
-Special Term
-Long Term Rates
- Malaysia Association of Hotel
-Ministry of Culture,art and tourism,Malaysia ( vlassified as 4 star Hotel )
-Akta Industri Pelancongan 1992
-Internatiinal Hotel & Restauran Association
- Malaysia Employers Federation
Serius Buyer Only
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