Instructor : Chef Imran
Date : 19 Oktober 2013
Time : One day course, from 10.30 am to 3.30 pm
Fee : RM250.00 per person
Type : Semi hands-on (some demo and some hands-on)
Topic :
Making the sponge, mousse and all the layers
Cakes assembling
Baking 4 varieties of chilled cakes – milk chocolate mousse cake, hazelnut mousse cake, black n white mousse cake, black forest mousse cake.
Free recipes - will update soon.
Students will be able to taste and take home cake samples. Items to bring - apron, kitchen towel, pen, cake box or containers ( 2 or 3 containers)
NO. OF STUDENT : Maximum 10.
LOCATION : Taman Cheras Indah, Kuala Lumpur. Map is at the top page.
CLASS RESERVATION : Please submit your name and the class you are interested in joining, email to or sms to Yasmin, hp : 019-3805344. Once we have enough student, we will contact you again to collect a deposit of RM50 per class. Deposit payment can be made online thru cimbclicks or maybank2u (click on the link). Or thru ATM machine.
Name : Yasmin binti Sanusi
Bank : CIMB, Account no : 1432-0066287-52-7 OR
Bank : Maybank, Account no : 114094010793
( Beneficiary Payment Alert, please use email : SMS : 019-3805344 )
Untuk jadual baking terkini, sila lawati blog Jadual di sebelah kanan, dan info kelas di top page. Tkasih.