chef obie ceria aje.. baru lepas breakfast tadi..
hari ni tak cket..jadi makan kat kedai aje la..
Dalam kesibukan... obie ingin sharing info dari teman blogger..
kepada anda yang suka sangat dan sayang dengan kucing breeds..dan ape-ape aje jenis kucing...
obie harap dapatlah sekiranya memberi sedikit ruang perhatian...
cian..kucing-kucing ni...
sharing -
Salam dan Selamat Sejahtera,
Minggu lepas, kami menerima 1 email yang agak mencemaskan dari Ms. C. Beliau meminta bantuan SCRATCH untuk mencarikan tuan baru bagi 16 ekor kucing Domestic Long Haired (DLH) yang ditinggalkan housemate nya dan tidak muncul2 setelah pulang ke kampung pada bulan Februari yang lepas. Rumah sewa Ms. C mesti dikosongkan pada 16 Sept dan sekiranya tidak ada adopter utk kesemua kucing2 ini, dia bercadang untuk Put To Sleep (PTS) kesemua kucing2 tersebut.
Last week we received an emergency e-mail form Ms C. She asked a help from SCRACTH to re-home sixteen Domestic Long Haired cats, all of which were abandoned by the previous owner. The previous owner who is Ms. C's ex-housemate went back to her hometown and never appeared since last February. Ms. C is currently renting a house and unfortunately the landlord had given a short notice for her to vacate the house. Should these cats fail to find adopters, she has no choice other than to put them to sleep. Ms C was so depressed struggling with her moral dilemma.
Setelah perbincangan dibuat dengan committee SCRATCH, kami bersetuju untuk membawa kesemua 16 ekor kucing2 tersebut ke event di Putrajaya pada Sabtu & Ahad (14 & 15 Sept 2013) lepas untuk dicarikan fosterer.
After having a thorough meeting assessing all the potential risks and options, SCRATCH committee members agreed to bring all these sixteen cats to the Putrajaya International Cat Show (14 & 15 of Sept 2013). Serious fosterers were sought out and these kind human beings were all interviewed before taking the cat(s) home.
Tibanya 16 ekor kucing di Putrajaya pada Sabtu lepas, kami menjadi sedih dan sebak. Keadaan mereka tidak terurus. Bulu mereka berbau, kotor dan comot. Badan mereka kurus seperti tidak cukup makan & dehydrated. Bau mereka sangat busuk sepertinya mereka sudah bergelumang dengan najis sendiri. Ada seekor yg buta, seekor lagi mengalami sakit batu karang dan baru discharge dari vet tetapi tidak boleh dibedah atas sebab2 tertentu. Kesemua mereka sangat takut dan gelisah mungkin kerana tidak pernah keluar dari rumah dan tidak pernah bertemu dengan orang asing. Mata mereka menceritakan 1001 kesedihan. Kami terdiam bila melihat keadaan mereka. Tidak ada kata2 yang mampu diluahkan pada waktu itu. Tapi kami kena kuat & tabah bagi memastikan mereka dapat peluang kedua untuk menikmati hidup seperti kucing2 lain.
These furbabies arrived at the hall on last Saturday and all of us, the volunteers, were overwhelmed with sorrow upon looking at their conditions. They seemed like never been groomed, the fur entangled and matted, dirty, infested with fleas, ticks and mites. Some of them were skin and bones. The pungent stinking smell suggested that, they might not have proper litter boxes. One of the cats is one-eyed blind and the other one is suspected having a kidney problem. The latter cannot be operated because an extensive check-up must be made in order to ensure the cat has no underlying diseases before going for any surgery. All of them generally were very frighten, scared of people and we understood that. All these while there were enclosed with the house's walls, never had an interaction with the outside world and coming out from the enclosure all of sudden really freaked them out. Their eyes told us 1001 stories, sad ones. We were speechless looking at their conditions. No words could describe how these majestic creature could come to this condition. However we know, as volunteers, we have to be strong so that these babies will get a second chance to live and better homes just like other pets.
Pencarian fosterer giat dijalankan. Ada yang ingin mengambil kucing-kucing ini kerana ingin di kahwinkan dengan kucing yang sedia ada dirumah, ada yang mampu menjadi fosterer tapi tidak menyokong prosedur pengembirian, tak kurang juga yang berkeras dan bermasam muka kerana permohonannya ditolak kerana tidak sesuai dan tidak selaras dengan tujuan SCRATCH/KTAJ. Harus difahami kami ingin mencari yang terbaik untuk kucing-kucing ini..cukupla trauma dan kesengsaraan yang mereka lalui.
The searching for fosterers was done extensively and tirelessly. There were irresponsible people who insisted to take up these cats for breeding purposes. Some could be good fosterers but they do not support the idea of neutering the pets, and nonetheless there were hard headed people who made faces when their applications to be fosterers were turned down. We need the public to support our mission and vision and the public needs to understand we tried our best to find good homes for these cats. We believe these babies had been traumatized and gone through enough hardships.
Setelah bertalu2 soalan dikemukakan dalam sesi interview, hanya fosterer yang layak sahaja diberikan kepercayaan untuk menjaga mereka sehingga mereka sihat & dimandulkan. Alhamdulillah berkat kesabaran dan doa semua, kesemua 16 ekor telah berjaya mendapatkan fosterer masing2. Berita terkini..kebanyakkan dari kucing-kucing ini sudah tidak murung lagi, sudah mahu utk makan dan bermain. Ini satu petanda baik, Alhamdulillah. Kini kami hanya menunggu masa yg sesuai utk menghantar kucing2 ini utk dikembirikan sebelum ia dibuka semula untuk memcari adopter. Kucing yang ingin di kembirikan mesti berada dalam keadaan sihat dan fit untuk mengelakkan sebarang komplikasi yg tidak diingini.
Questions after questions bombarded to the the potential fosterers, the qualified ones were selected and given the trust to take care of these cats until their health are restored and then will go for neutering procedure. Alhamdulillah, with passion and patient we managed to find the fosterers for all of the cats. The latest update we received from our respective fosterers, all of the cats are now no longer depressed. Some of them even have started playing and eating. This is really a good sign and we will wait for the right time for the cats to be neutered and go to forever good homes. Depressed cats and/or cats with poor health conditions are not fit to undergo any surgery and because of that we need to wait a bit longer until these cats are settled and healthy again.
Kami ingin mengucapkan SETINGGI-TINGGI TERIMA KASIH kepada – SCRATCH-ERS, FOSTERERS, POTENTIAL FOSTERERS YANG MEMOHON, SCRATCH FOLLOWERS DAN SEMUA yang terlibat secara langsung atau tidak langsung dalam kes ini.
We would like to convey our gratitude to - fellow SCRATCHers. fosterers, potential fosterers who applied to contribute, SCRATCH followers and everyone who directly or indirectly involved in this emergency case.
Di sini kami ingin memohon jasa baik semua kiranya dapatlah membantu kami dalam pembiayaan bil2 perubatan dan pemandulan kesemua 16 ekor kucing2 ini. Sumbangan anda boleh disalurkan ke akaun rasmi persatuan kami:
We seek your kindness and generosity to help us with the incoming bills, both medical and neutering for these sixteen cats. We welcome any kind of donation and cash donation can be channeled to this account:
MAYBANK BERHAD - 5641 8240 1814
Sumbangan anda kami dahului dengan ucapan TERIMA KASIH dan hanya Tuhan dapat membalas jasa baik anda semua. Mohon emailkan kepada selepas sumbangan dibuat yea.
No words can be expressed to thank for your donation. No amount is too small. Should you have donated either through the CDM or the Internet, please e-mail to us at
**We never appoint any individuals or third party to collect donation on behalf of us. All cash donation must go into the Society's account as stated on this entry.
**Kami TIDAK PERNAH MELANTIK mana2 individu atau mana2 pihak untuk mengutip derma bagi pihak kami. Semua sumbangan perlulah disalurkan terus ke akaun persatuan kami seperti yang tertera di atas.