CADS Enhancement Centre accepts children from age four through 12 (Chronological age). The Centre also accepts children who are above 12 but whose mental age are below 12 years of age.
The children must have been evaluated by any of the multidisciplinary professional in the field for example speech and language pathologist, educational or developmental psychologist, child psychologist, learning therapist or any specialist who is knowledgeable about the area of the child’s suspected disability.
Children with behavioral emotional and social difficulties would require the presence of a shadow aid or an educational maid to accompany the children while at the centre.
symptoms of cerebral palsy
The symptoms of cerebral palsy have difficulty with fine motor tasks (such as writing or) with a scissors movement difficulty maintaining balance or walking, involuntary movements.
The symptoms vary from person to person and change over time. Some people with cerebral palsy are also affected by other medical problems, including seizures or mental retardation, cerebral palsy, but not always cause profound handicap.
Early signs of cerebral palsy usually appear before 3 years. Infants with cerebral palsy are frequently slow developmental milestones such as learning to roll, sit, crawl, smile or reach on foot.
Cerebral palsy may be congenital or acquired after birth. Several causes of cerebral palsy that have been identified in the research are preventable or treatable: head injury, jaundice, Rh) incompatibility, and rubella (German measles).
Doctors diagnose cerebral palsy by testing motor skills and reflexes, looking into medical history, and employs a variety of specialized tests. Although the symptoms can change over time, cerebral palsy by definition is not progressive, so that when a patient shows increased disability, the problem may be something other than cerebral palsy.
What is the treatment for Down syndrome?
Down syndrome is not a condition that can be cured. However, early intervention can help many people with Down syndrome live productive lives well into adulthood.
Children with Down syndrome can often benefit from speech therapy, occupational therapy, and exercises for gross and fine motor skills. They might also be helped by special education and attention at school. Many children can integrate well into regular classes at school.
What is Down Syndrome?
Down syndrome is set of mental and physical symptoms that result from having an extra copy of Chromosome 21.
Normally, a fertilized egg has 23 pairs of chromosomes. In most people with Down syndrome, there is an extra copy of Chromosome 21 (also called trisomy 21 because there are three copies of this chromosome instead of two), which changes the body’s and brain’s normal development.What are the signs and symptoms of Down syndrome?
Even though people with Down syndrome may have some physical and mental features in common, symptoms of Down syndrome can range from mild to severe. Usually, mental development and physical development are slower in people with Down syndrome than in those without the condition.
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDDs) is a disability that causes limits on intellectual abilities and adaptive behaviors (conceptual, social, and practical skills people use to function in everyday lives). Most people with Down syndrome have IQs that fall in the mild to moderate range of IDDs. They may have delayed language development and slow motor development.
Some common physical signs of Down syndrome include:
Flat face with an upward slant to the eye, short neck, and abnormally shaped ears
Deep crease in the palm of the hand
White spots on the iris of the eye
Poor muscle tone, loose ligaments
Small hands and feet
There are a variety of other health conditions that are often seen in people who have Down syndrome, including:
Congenital heart disease
Hearing problems
Intestinal problems, such as blocked small bowel or esophagus
Celiac disease
Eye problems, such as cataracts
Thyroid dysfunctions
Skeletal problems
Dementia—similar to Alzheimer’s
What is CADS Enhancement Program all about? (How would you describe your organization?)
CEC is a one stop educational centre that caters to the needs of children with learning difficulties or physical impairments. Academic skills are tailor-made to suit each child’s unique cognitive ability and we complement these with living and social skills, occupational and physical therapy as well as Islamic teaching and practices. We also provide them with three healthy meals to further promote their well being.
What do these children need the most, and what you can do to help them?
These children need to be educated in a conducive and supportive learning environment so that they will grow into useful members of the society.
They need parents and teachers who understand the academic and social challenges that they face. Here at CADS Centre, teachers are able to give one-to one attention to each child due to the small number of students in a class. We have four classes at the moment with only 4-5 students in each class. This makes it possible for the teachers to give personal coaching and assistance to each individual student. Our teachers are also very compassionate and understand the varied capabilities of each child.
How do you make things better for these special children?
We make learning fun and meaningful for our children. We believe in experiential learning and emphasize on the application of knowledge learnt. The learning process is child centered as we recognize that each child is an individual with varied learning pace, style and talent.
What can you offer to the children with the facilities and activities or lessons?
We now have a well equipped and spacious gymnasium for the students to do their physical and occupational therapy. These therapies are very important to help special needs children cope with the demands of daily living and classroom activities.
We also have a lot of educational tools and software to enhance the teaching and learning process.
What subjects do you have – (Elaborate more on the subjects available – and how it helps the students to grow)
CEC students learn all important subjects like English, BM, math and science, Islamic studies, history, living skills and art and craft. Core and supporting subjects are taught using a thematic approach. This is a way of teaching and learning, whereby many areas of the curriculum are connected together and integrated within a theme. Thematic teaching is powerful and effective because it integrates learning with life.
What programs do you have that is special for students only here in CADS – ( That is unavailable in other school )
One program that benefits the students and which is not done in most schools in Malaysia is the weekly presentation during assembly.
Each week a student will be assigned as a leader to lead the Monday assembly while others will present the “Show and Tell” to inculcate self confidence and good public speaking. We have received a lot of positive feedback from parents that through these weekly presentation training, our students develop very high confidence and self esteem. This makes them better able to cope with the demanding challenges of the outside world.
We also have a specially trained teacher to enhance the students’ cognition through a series of mind stimulating activities. We call this the cognitive skills enhancement program. CSE enhances a student’s attention span and focusing skills among others.
Another unique contribution of CADS is that we provide daily training for the muslim students in performing wudu’ and solat zuhur. We also have one-on one hafazan classes to ensure that the students memorize verses from the Holy Quran.
CADS Enhancement Centre (CEC)
JKR 2925, Pesiaran Ledang off Jalan Duta, 50480 Kuala Lumpur.
(03) 2095 1218/(03) 2095 1219
Contact Person:
(016) 623 7074 Pn Azura Aziz
(019) 288 5003 En Azman Baharon
(012) 340 2216 Pn Azhani Jamel